Order shipment:

If your order is in stock and your credit card is approved by our fraud guarantee department, the product ordered will ship within 3-5 business days from the date of your order. We will send you the tracking information within 24 hours to the email address you provided when checking out.

We ship daily via UPS Ground, FedEx Ground and Freight to the lower 48 states. Most orders will ship the same day as ordered if the order is submitted before 1pm PST (some exceptions apply, some part & freight orders may not ship until the following day).

Some parts orders and freight shipments are subject to ship the following business day if the order is placed close to the 1pm cut off time.

Shipping costs are included with any unit going shipped via ground delivery to the lower 48 states. 

We do not offer Cash On Delivery.

A phone number is required by the freight company so a delivery appointment can be made.

Failure to provide this at the time of order may cause a delay in delivery as freight items will not be delivered without an appointment.

A delay in delivery may also cause additional storage fees to accrue that will need to be paid prior to delivery.

Please do not refuse a shipment or ignore requests from carriers regarding duty and/or tax liability charges. Be aware that most carriers will hold a shipment for 5 days after arrival in your country before they return it to the sender.

We do not refund original shipping charges for goods that are refused for delivery.

We will deduct all additional fees resulting from refused shipments from your refund.

We ship via UPS and Fedex for most products, USPS for small parts and accessories, and freight for large products.

If you don't receive tracking information from us within six business days of your order confirmation, feel free to follow up with us at help@symphonybaths.com


Please inspect the packaging of your items when they arrive.

If there are any products damaged upon arrival, you can file a warranty claim to get replacement parts for anything that's damaged.

If your item(s) do arrive damaged, please send photos to help@symphonybaths.com and we will process an insurance claim.

Cancellations & Refunds:

All orders canceled are subject to an administration fee equal to 15% of the total order amount, whether or not your order has shipped. This is a fee that covers administrative and personnel fees.

If your item is on backorder and you accept the backorder, we will hold your payment until the product ships. If you decide to cancel before a backorder arrives and is processed for shipping, we will not charge a fee.

If your order has shipped, you (the buyer) will be responsible for actual return shipping charges. Refunds will only be issued to the original credit card that you use when placing your order.


From time to time, a product may run out of stock at our warehouse due to the demand and the website wasn't updated when you placed your order. In that case we will send you an email right after you place your order notifying you of the backorder, what the expected time of arrival is, and what substitutes are available in case you are interested in getting the products sooner.

The expected arrival time may change due to unforeseen circumstances like a shipment getting held at the port upon arrival or the factory missing a certain part needed to complete the manufacturing process.

If the arrival time changes on your order, you can let us know whether you would like to keep the order, substitute for a different product, or cancel the order altogether.

Once back orders arrive, we will notify you by email with your estimated ship date and you will receive an email with tracking information within 1-3 business days.

If you have any further questions about the order and shipping process feel free to contact us by email at help@symphonybaths.com